Thursday, February 6, 2014

My conclusion

     If you could only choose one of the three options of gum, I would recommend getting 5 Gum, but it all depends on what you want and how much you'd want to spend on gum. If you prefer cheap gum then go with Juicy Fruit, if you want a large variety with an "okay" price then choose Trident, If you want the best gum possible then I recommend 5 Gum. My favorite gum is obviously 5 Gum because I love the flavor and the fact that it's long lasting when it comes to flavor.

My thoughts on all 3 together

    Out of the 3 kinds of gum, I'd have to go with 5 Gum being my favorite, followed by Trident. I didn't really like Juicy Fruit, the main reason being that the flavor runs out quick and not long lasting. Juicy Fruit is however, really cheap and affordable. Trident on the other hand, has a good flavor and it lasts for a good while, but I really disliked the fact that it is a really small piece of gum. I do love the large variety trident has, there's just so many things to choose from. The price for trident gum is good for a good tasting gum. I also liked that Trident helps with your teeth and it's approved by the ADA. 5 Gum had a really good flavor, it was long lasting, and the packet of gum looked cool with the colors and design. 5 Gum may not have a large variety, but the gum is still good, even though it is the most expensive out of the three. With 5 Gum you really get what you pay for out of the gum.

5 Gum

5 Gum

     5 Gum has a really good taste, I tried the cobalt gum flavor and it is really nice and minty. The gum was really long lasting and I love gum that doesn't lose its flavor after a long while of chewing. I noticed that 5 Gum was the most expensive gum, I guess you get what you pay for, and you get very good and long lasting gum if you purchase 5 Gum. When I was at the store, 5 Gum really stood out more than any other gum. The design and the colors really caught my eye. The design and colors made it look "cool". 5 gum had a small variety of different flavors and just by reading them they sounded interesting and seemed like they would be good.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Trident Gum



      I recently tried the original flavored trident gum. The gum's flavor was pretty minty and the flavor lasted a long while, way longer then the Juicy Fruit gum. Trident has a ton of different gum flavor so if you're someone that loves gum with many variety, Trident is your kind of gum. Trident offers the Trident White gum with other flavors available, the Trident Xtra Care with various options, Trident Splash with fruity flavors, and their newest Trident Layers. I haven't tried all of the different gum flavors but I imagine them all being really good. Trident is sugar free and also contains Xylitol. Trident is also approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) which means this gum is really good for taking care of your teeth by helping with the prevention of cavities.